Category Archives: STEM

Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths related posts

Healthy Heroes Visitor

Today, we welcomed a visit from a photographer Don from the Healthy Heroes as we were named School of the Month for the month of January. Well done to the boys and girls in all the classes for their amazing work towards this achievement. Keep up the healthy eating. As a reward, we have received a €250 voucher to be spent and we are hoping to receive two full days of Hip Hop Dancing from Nicole Sweeney. We are looking forward to this!

Green Schools: Biodiversity

Work has resumed on our next Green Schools flag. The theme is Biodiversity. A Biodiversity Awareness survey was carried out this week with the pupils in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. The Green Schools Committee and the Green Schools Coordinator Mrs O’Connor will be working to increase awareness of Biodiversity in all pupils of the school.

In the meantime, we will be keeping up our previous work on awareness of the earlier themes: Litter and Waste, Energy, Water and Travel.

So on the first day of December, the children in 3rd Class opened their Picker Pals kit, got more Litter pickers from our stash of litter pickers, went out and picked litter around the school grounds.